Thursday, March 19, 2009

Fuel Options

As the whole world will be running out of the oil, one has to think over the alternative fuel, one has to find out some renewable source of energy which can replace the use of oil. So I would like to give some brief about the available fuel alternatives.

Bio diesel Renewable and can be produced from vegetable oil, animal fat or from recycled restaurant grease, but the most important thing I like about this option is that there is no diesel engine modification required to use option and bio diesel also helps in reduction in particulate carbon monoxide emissions.

Ethanol, or ethyl alcohol, is made by fermenting and distilling simple sugars from corn. Ethanol is sometimes blended with gasoline to produce gasohol. Ethanol-blended fuels account for 12 percent of all automotive fuels sold in the United States, according to the Renewable Fuels Association. In very pure forms, ethanol can be used as an alternative to gasoline in vehicles modified for its use.

And the most amazing one !!
Forget electric cars - let's start pumping our money into coffee technology. Apparently scientists in Nevada have discovered that ground coffee contains roughly the same amount of oil as other biofuels. What's more, it has those kinds of levels even after its been used to make that sweet cup of java that gets you going in the morning. Plus, as an added bonus, the resulting biodiesel actually smells like coffee, meaning rather than noxious petrol fumes, streets will smell like a freshly brewed pot of liquid caffeine. I don't know about you guys, but that's the world I want to be living in.

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